The Plane Mode allows users to move freely through the 3D scene, simulating a “flying” experience. This mode is designed for immersive exploration, particularly suited for large-scale models.
Difference from Helicopter Mode: The camera always moves forward in the direction it is facing, creating a “fly-forward” effect.
In Plane Mode, navigation requires the use of both hands, with the keyboard and mouse. The controls are similar to those in Helicopter Mode.
Keyboard Controls
- Up Arrow or W Key: Move forward.
- Down Arrow or S Key: Move backward.
- Left Arrow or A Key: Strafe left.
- Right Arrow or D Key: Strafe right.
- R Key: Move up (ascend).
- F Key: Move down (descend).
Mouse Controls
- Mouse Wheel: Adjusts movement speed while moving with the keyboard.
- Double Left Click: Moves the rotation point to the clicked area and zooms in on that area.
- Left Click and Drag: Rotates the camera around the current position.
- Right Click and Drag: Pans (translates) the model within the current view plane.
Recommended Use Cases
Plane Mode is ideal for:
- Immersive Navigation: For a video game-like experience, Plane Mode enhances user immersion within the 3D model, especially for large-scale models.
- Linear Projects: Particularly useful for navigating long, linear models such as highways, tunnels, or pipelines.
- Measurement Tasks: While taking measurements, the keyboard can be used to move the camera, freeing up the mouse to operate measurement tools. Useful for precise adjustments. See Measurement Tools.
- Directional Movement: Unlike Helicopter Mode, Plane Mode allows continuous movement toward the camera’s point of focus, making it ideal for exploring specific areas of the scene.
Last updated on by Loïc Roybon