Requesting Project Access

Requesting Project Access

Only users with the Portal Collaborator role can request access. Please ensure that you have the necessary permissions from your portal administrator. More information on Roles and Capabilities.

Portal Collaborator users can view all project thumbnails in the portal, although they cannot access these projects directly. This means they know certain projects exist, can see the full list, and are aware, for example, of all the projects on which the portal owner company is working.

However, to access each project, validation is required from:

  • a Portal Administrator,
  • or a User Manager for the portal,
  • or the Project Administrator of the specific project,
  • or a User Manager for the project.
The roles mentioned in this section are described in detail on the Roles and Capabilities page.

Requesting Project Access as a Collaborator

  1. Access the portal, then in the project list, click “Request Access” on the thumbnail of the desired project.
  2. After this action, an email will be sent to the individuals responsible for processing the request.
  3. Once they have processed the request, the button on the thumbnail will change to “Access” if the request is approved or “Denied” if it is rejected.
  4. If the request is approved, click “Access” to open the project.
  5. If the request is denied, contact one of the people responsible for the project to learn the reason for the refusal and/or to request manual access if necessary.

Processing an Access Request as an Administrator or Manager

Upon receiving the email, simply click the link provided to process the request.

If multiple people receive the email, the first person to process the request will be the one whose decision is applied.

To modify permissions granted following an access request, proceed with a manual adjustment of the user’s capabilities, as described in the User Management section.

Last updated on by Loïc Roybon